Thursday, 23 June 2011

North Yorkshire Show 19/06/2011

The most recent show we at was the North Yorkshire show in Northallerton. It was quite a large show and i managed to sell enough things to make me happy. I had just bought 2 large banners and a traditional looking Catalonia table cloth so my stand looked the part. 

When i'm not doing the shows, i'm attempting to arrange meetings with deli's and farmshops who will hopefully start stocking the oil. My sales patter is starting to sound pretty good.

Next week we'll be at the Derbyshire show!

Monday, 13 June 2011

Emley Farm shop, sample day

This Saturday i spent the day selling olive oil at one of the local farm shops i live near. I had planned to sell my products outside the door, so knowing what the weather in England is like, i though i better buy a gazebo for a bit of shelter. I arrive at the farm shop half an hour early so i could set up, this all went well until the minute i set up when a big gust of wind blew, which lifted up my gazebo and smashed it into the farm shop, wrecking it in the process. To add insult to injury, a jar of honey was knocked off the table and smashed on the floor which lead to me cutting my finger when clearing up the mess! It's safe to say it was not a good start to my day.

After causing a scene outside the shop, the owner asked me if i wanted to stand inside the shop instead  which i graciously accepted. It was a steady day but i managed to sell a few products and promote Prima Oliva

I don't have any photos from the day, i took my camera but realised that i'd forgotten the memory card for it. You live and learn!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Summer Show 1, Kenilworth Show!

Yesterday i did my first show of the summer selling olive oil. Despite the French stopping the lorry carrying our latest order of organic produce, meaning it didn't arrive in time for the show, we had a great day and sold plenty of oil. 
At the show, we were located in the food hall. The people next to us in there were a Mediterranean business selling nuts and olives (which we also sell as well as the olive oil), this hindered the sales a little but the majority of people who tried our Arbequina Olives bought them and by lunchtime i had my sales patter down to a tee! 

We handed out plenty of business cards at the show which will hopefully drive some traffic to our website in the future (

Next week, i'll be going around the local farm shops and Delicatessens trying to get my oil stocked. Hopefully i'll sell lots more oil in the next week!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

My olive oil business

I have recently started up my own business selling organic and non-organic extra virgin olive oil and other olive and nut products. We get all our produce from a small village called Granyena that lies in the heart of the De Les Garrigues region, a well know extra virgin olive oil producing region in Catalonia, Spain.

I know the farmers of this village through family link, one day over a glass of wine, the farmers were talking to my dad about getting their products into the UK. He then came to me and asked if i was interested. Being on a gap year and having a bit of time on my hands, i thought why not?

The farmers of Granyena produce a limited quantity of extra virgin olive oil made from their very own Arbequina olive. A special olive that holds a very special taste. Smaller than most Mediterranean olives, it is recognised world wide for its high quality and special taste. During harvesting, only high quality Arbequina olives are used to produce this 100% Arbequina extra virgin olive oil.
Throughout the entire process, from the growth of the olives until the oil is produced, every effort is made to ensure the olive's natural biological and organoleptic properties are not altered. The oil obtained through this environmentally friendly process is especially rich in polyphenols, the antioxidant that are very beneficial to health.
The farmers of Granyena take great pride and care in both the quality and the uniqueness of their products.

The extra virgin olive oil from Granyena is an oil with a flavour all of its own coming from the climate, the soil, the care taken when harvesting the Arbequina olives and the oil processing methods. 
One of its secrets lies in the colour of the olives at the time of collection. Ranging from yellow through to dark purple, these subtle differences in the state of ripeness create an original and unique taste. It contains a maximum acidity level of 0.2% per 100 grams, far below the maximum level of 0.5% allowed by the Les Garrigues PDO (Protected Designation of Origin).

I am writing this blog as one way of trying to get my business to be successful, i am using this blog to tell people about the product and try to educate everyone of the benefits of it. As well as prompting on the blog, i also have a website where the oil and olives can be purchased...
This summer, i am also travelling around the UK going to various agricultural shows to sell my oil and try to establish a good customer base. I will be blogging about my progress and the different things i am trying to make my business work.

As well as being a tasty ingredient, olive oil provides many health benefits to the human body.
It can:
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Protect against heart disease
  • Inhibit the growth of some cancers
  • Benefit people at risk from or with diabetes
  • Lessen the severity of asthma and arthritis
  • Help your body maintain a lower weight
  • Lead to better blood sugar control
  • have anti-inflammatory benefit
Olive oil helps to stimulate the circulatory system, benefit the liver and assists the digestive process. It's also cholesterol free!

Olive Oil & Heart Disease
Many scientific studies suggest that the consumption of extra virgin olive oil can help prevent and treat heart disease. These studies have shown that the reason olive oil protects against heart disease is to do with cholesterol levels. Olive oil controls LDL (Bad) cholesterol but at the same time increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels. It is believed that people who have a daily consumption of about 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil showed less oxidation of LDL cholesterol and higher levels of anti-oxidant compounds in the blood. Due to it being less processed, extra virgin olive oil contains higher levels of anti-oxidants, particularly vitamin E. No other naturally produced oil has as high as a percentage of mono-unsaturated fat as olive oil.
British Journal of Nutrition
Ruth D. Smith, Colette N. M. Kellya1, Barbara A. Fielding, David Hauton, K. D. Renuka R. Silva, Margaretha C. Nydahl, George J. Miller and Christine M. Williams

Blood Sugar Control
The journal of the German Diabetes Association found that glucose levels were lower in people who ate mono-unsaturated fats than those who avoided all fats. Olive oil is one of the mono-unsaturated fats, which can help control blood sugar. To prevent heart damage diabetics are often told to eat a low-fat/ low-carb diet.

Circulatory System benefits
A diet that includes olive oil aids the circulatory system, thereby reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis and other circulatory ailments.
“Blood vessels appear healthier after people consume olive oil high in phenolic compounds" 
"Phenolic compounds in olive oil, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties, may explain cardiovascular health benefits associated with the so-called Mediterranean Diet" - American College of Cardiology

Anti-Inflammatory benfits
 A naturally occurring chemical found in extra-virgin olive oils is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent.  The monounsaturated fats in olive oil are used by the body to produce substances which are relatively anti-inflammatory. By reducing inflammation, these fats can help reduce the severity of arthritis symptoms, and may be able to prevent or reduce the severity of asthma.
Digestion benefits
Olive oil is the oil that is best tolerated by the stomach due to its high oleic acid content. The tone of the sphincter which separates the stomach and esophagus and which impedes the reflux of gastric juices is less affected by olive oil. Butter is the least tolerated fat, while sunflower oil has intermediate effects. Gastric emptying time is affected in the same way by these three types of fat.

Colon Cancer Prevention
Compounds in olive oil appear to protect against colon cancer, one of the most common forms of the disease in the Western world.
A number of epidemiological studies have linked consumption of olive oil with a reduced risk of cancer and researchers are increasingly investigating this association further in laboratory studies.